Agile2Vet Multiplier Event by Sverd 25/4 Harnosand Sweden

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Media & Learning 2023: 7-8 June in Leuven, Belgium

The Media & Learning Association’s 10th annual conference is back in Leuven, Belgium on 7-8 June 2023.We look forward to celebrating our anniversary by learning from one another, getting inspired and changing the way people think about media in education!

Our theme Media & Learning 2023: Where pedagogy meets mediatakes into account one of the most challenging tasks that educators face, namely how to incorporate media in all its manifestations into the learning process in the most efficient and effective way.

Conference topics include:

  • Sharing best practice amongst centres for teaching and learning on tackling the challenges of promoting effective and inclusive learning.
  • Staff training and support including the tools and strategies applied across the campus to exploit the use of media for teaching and learning purposes.
  • Technological advances in hybrid classrooms featuring the latest developments in audiovisual services to support teaching and learning.
  • Higher education embracing or replacing XR? updated research findings, working practices that make sense, upscaling XR projects, IP and data privacy can no longer be ignored.
  • Exploiting the power of podcasting for teaching and learning at scale and the support services that make podcasting happen.
  • AI and how it can be applied to enhance media supported learning in higher education.
  • Management and re-use of media based teaching and learning resources including the promotion of OER in higher education and the re-use and re-working of MOOCs.
  • Interactive teaching formats and assessment practices in higher education that exploit the value and impact of media including a review of best practice in MOOCs.
  • The use of media in teacher education and training including 360° recording, visualisations and modelling videos.
  • Advances in audiovisual production practices designed to get the most out of media in teaching and learning settings.

The call for inputs is now open. Submissions of ideas can include short presentations, demos or discussion topics and the deadline for receipt of proposals is 31 January 2023.

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