- Ulf Sandström, SVERDs Ordförande, Sverige
- Ines Gil Jaurena, Spanien
- James Branton, Irland
- Maria Rosaria, Italien
- Covadonga Rodrigo, Spanien
- Radu Vasin, Romania (was received at the EDEN Annual Conference in Timsoara, Romania, June 2020, as the Politehnica University of Timișoara, was the conference host.
Senior EDEN Fellows
- Airina Volungeviciene, LT
- Antonella Poche, IT
- Josep M Duart, ES
The purpose of the EDEN Fellow scheme is to provide validation and support to professionals in Europe in this field, and to enhance their mobility within Europe through a respected scheme of recognition. The first Senior Fellow and Fellow Awards were presented at the 2007 Annual Conference in Naples.
The Council of EDEN Fellows has been established which includes all Fellows and Senior Fellows of EDEN – it has an advisory role in the EDEN Community, a think tank for future visioning, and as ambassador of EDEN
Tidigare EDEN Fellows och EDEN Senior Fellow
Alastair Creelman, Linnaeus University, Sweden, 2017
Ebba Ossiannilsson, Swedish Association for Distance Education, Sweden, 2014
Henrik Hansson, Stockholm University, Sweden, 2007
Carl Holmberg, International Council for Open and Distance Education, Sweden, 2007, Senior EDEN Fellow
Welcome addresses under EDEN RW11
Carla Padrel de Oliveira, Rector of UAb
Sandra Kucina Softic, President of EDEN
Presentation of EDEN Fellow and Senior Fellow Awards
Sandra Kucina Softic, President of EDEN, University of Zagreb, Croatia
Sounds of the University: Exploring Coimbra’s Fado tradition
Leonel Morgado, Associate Professor at UAb, Portugal (Portuguese guitar)
Looking Ahead to the Lisbon 2020 Experience, Alan Tait, Rapporteur, och Inés Gil Jaurena, Co-rapporteur

EDEN is the smart network for the professional community and a professional community for smart learning.EDEN is a non-profit body and educational association registered in the UK since 1991, with more than 180 institutional members and over 1100 members in the Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP), EDEN assists a wide range of institutions, networks and individuals to become involved in professional information and networking activities. It does so through the organisation of acknowledged European conferences, its scholarly publications and information services, and by taking an active role in a wide range of important EU projects. EDEN has also been successful with thematic activities such as the Open Classroom Working Group (school level distance education), and by promoting, ‘cutting edge’ research in the field., EDEN owns and manages the European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning (EURODL).EDEN is supported by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union. The publication reflects the authors’ view, the EACEA and the European Commission are not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.