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EDEN 2017 Jönköpings Universitet, Sverige

Ta del av den senaste informationen från EDEN om EDEN 2017 i Jönköping, Sverige

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Sociala evenemang

Intressanta workshops

Socialt program under konferensen

Young Scholar Award, vilket är sponsrat av SVERD

Keynote titles revealed

Frans Mäyrä
 – Multidimensional Ludic Literacy: Diversity in Game Cultures

Stefan Hrastinski – Diversifying e-learning

Hanqin Qiu – The Transformation of Teaching and Learning Appropriate for a Digital Age: Development and Implications

Jean-Marie Filloque – Diversity and social engagement, contributions of Universities lifelong learning strategies in Europe

Manjula Srinivas – Digital communication platforms and media educators in undergraduate schools of mass communications in India

Social Events

Welcome Reception

The Welcome Reception will take place in the assembly hall of the School of Education and Communication (building H) at Jönköping University. At the reception you can start preparing yourself at the event.

Meet the EDEN fellows, Board and NAP members, Secretariat staff who can help you to find out best how to exploit the event. The pleasant surroundings will ensure inspiration for intellectual exploration dialogue learning-partnerships and collaboration. The EDEN Fellow Awards and Young Scholar Awards will be presented during the reception.

Book and Wine event

EDEN continues the tradition of the Book and Wine event: at the end of the first day (14 June) the lovers of literature and good wines share their latest interesting reading experience through short presentations.

Please contact the conference secretariat if you are interested to join as speaker. Everyone is welcome to listen and discuss over a glass of wine!

Conference Dinner

The venue of the Conference Dinner will be the classical style Elite Stora Hotellet, one of the most beautiful buildings in Jönköping and with a central location along the southern shore of Lake Vättern.

Jönköping’s walking street passes right by the hotel, putting guests right in the midst of the city’s shopping, attractions and nightlife. Elite Stora Hotellet was built in the mid 1800’s and has been painstakingly renovated. Much of the hotel has been preserved in its original glory, including the Hall of Mirrors, which is one of Scandinavia’s most beautiful banquet halls.

Tours and other activities

For tours and activities in and around Jönköping, the Småland region, before or after the conference, please contact our conference partner Memu.

Selection of interesting workshops from the conference programme

  • How to Facilitate Diversity in Flexible Learning?
  • Digital Innovation in Cultural and Heritage Education.
  • How Relevant is Open Education for Refugees?
  • How to Conduct an Academic Chat via Twitter? – The #edenchat Case

Young Scholars’ Support

We are pleased to announce that EDEN’s support scheme to young scholars will be offered again at the 2017 Annual Conference, with the sponsorship of SADE, the Swedish Association for Distance Education. Two young researchers’ attendance at the Conference will be supported with €600 each.



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