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Erasmus+ AGILE-2-VET project

ERASMUS+ project “AGILE 2 VET – Abilitating Digital Learning to innovate VET sector” 2022-2023.

Erasmus+1 KA220 – 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033037

Se video om projektet här på Youtube. 2023-12-19  https://youtu.be/cnTIMui8kts?si=fQKlUIVgcZD9IsRj

Kick off meeting was held on Thursday 10 March-2022 .
The project, coordinated by Demetra Formazione, involves seven partners from different European countries:

ANEL (Spain),
SADE (Sweden),
ANCORA (Ireland),
Unibo – University of Bologna , Italy
Mooka Media (Ireland), and the
ILI-FAU (Germany).

AGILE 2 VET has two specific objectives: on the one hand, to work to improve the skills of professionals working in the training sector in relation to new methods of digital training and learning; on the other hand, to strengthen the collaboration between training institutes, companies providing digital technology and experts in educational and pedagogical practices.

The project involves three different phases:

  • a first phase of research, to analyze and identify the characteristics and key competences in the development of a training model;
  • the development of a training model that allows professionals working in the VET (Vocational Education and Training) sector to acquire knowledge and skills related to new digital training methods;
  • the experimentation of the training model and the creation of a manual that supports the professionals involved in the implementation of the training courses and allows them to verify the acquisition of skills.

During the Kick-Of Meeting the partners were able to share the guidelines and discuss the next steps in the program. Following the research phase, the first output will be published in the second half of 2022.

AGILE-2-VET Abilitating diGItal Learning to innovate VET sector | 2021-1-IT01-KA220-VET-000033037 co-funded by the Erasmus + Program of the European Union

Project info:https://agile2vet.eu/

Länk till projektets hemsida:

Länk till presentation Open Education Week 07-03-2023 Disseminering

Länk till projektets Learning management system

Länk till projektledaren:  Demetra Formazione i Italien

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