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Inbjudan Promoting Online Training Opportunities for the Workforce in Europe, Brussels 4 June 2019

4 June 2019, 10:00 – 18:00h

Thon Hotel EU, Rue de la Loi 75, 1040 Brussels, Belgium

How can we effectively promote online training in the workforce in Europe? Join us at a high-level conference in Brussels on 4 June 2019 in the context of the ongoing initiative of the European Commission. The conference will focus on new solutions, best practices and policy measures that reflect the need to upskill and reskill a significant percentage of the European workforce, and that would truly support enterprises, especially SMEs in this challenge. It will bring together policymakers, practitioners, academic and industry professionals, as well as course developers, start-ups and publishers, with a shared interest in promoting new technology-enhanced learning and training methods. Should you want to join the conference, please fill out the registration form här

The mind-set of today’s start-ups is completely different from small companies from a few years ago. The role of learning providers is changing, with centralised top-down approaches shifting towards decentralised bottom-up learning. Learners themselves become increasingly engaged in generating knowledge, with the growing importance of peer-to-peer learning. Many of the approaches and solutions for online training that exist today do not match the learning realities and needs of modern SMEs.

We invite you to join us at a high-level conference in Brussels on 4 June 2019, where the abovementioned topics will be discussed with experts from all over Europe. The conference takes place in the context of the ongoing initiativeof the European Commission on “Promoting Online Training Opportunities for the Workforce in Europe”(October 2017 – September 2019), that is coordinated by PwC, in cooperation with European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) and Espace Mendes France.

The conference will focus on new solutions, best practices and policy measures that reflect the need to upskill and reskill a significant percentage of the European workforce, and that would truly support enterprises, especially SMEs in this challenge. It will bring together policy makers, practitioners, academic and industry professionals, as well as course developers, start-ups and publishers, with a shared interest in promoting new technology-enhanced learning and training methods. Should you want to join the conference, please fill out the registration form.

We look forward to seeing you there!



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