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12. Distance Education, Special issue on OER Volume 33, Issue 2

Ebba Ossiannilsson, Redaktör SVERDnytt





Tidskriften Distance Education har nyligen utkommit med Special issue on OER och gett ut den helt fritt. Hela numret handlar om OER.

Ur innehållet:

Conole G Fostering social inclusion through open educational resources (OER) (Editorial)
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Lane A A review of the role of national policy and institutional mission in European distance teaching universities with respect to widening participation in higher education study through open educational resources
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Bossu, Bull & Brown Opening up Down Under: the role of open educational resources in promoting social inclusion in Australia
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Nikoi & Armellini The OER mix in higher education: purpose, process, product, and policy
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Willems & Bossu Equity considerations for open educational resources in the glocalization of education
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Richter & McPherson Open educational resources: education for the world?
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Shanlon E Open educational resources in support of science learning: tools for inquiry and observation
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Hockings, Brett & Terentjevs Making a difference—inclusive learning and teaching in higher education through open educational resources
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Hodgkinson-Williams & Paskevicius The role of postgraduate students in co-authoring open educational resources to promote social inclusion: a case study at the University of Cape Town
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