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The 29th EDEN Annual Conference Goes Virtual!

The 29th EDEN Annual Conference in June Goes Online!

New submission deadline 30 April – Sessions on pandemic – Proceedings and E-book Publication

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Dear EDEN Members, Partners, and Friends,

The European Distance and E-Learning Network (EDEN) has organized Annual European conferences for the experts, academics and practitioners of open, distance and ICT enhanced learning since 1992.

The 2020 Conference was planned to be held on 21-24 June in Timisoara, Romania, hosted by the Politehnica University of Timisoara.

With the development of the pandemic COVID19, it is not likely that national and international restrictions on normalization of life, travels and social gatherings will be lifted by the end of June.

In consideration of the present situation, the EDEN Executive Committee has decided to organize the 2020 Annual Conference as a Virtual Conference.

In making this decision, the Executive Committee has taken into account the recent, positive experience with virtual EDEN events, such as the webinars and chats by the EDEN Network of Academics and Professionals (NAP), the European Distance Learning Week (EDLW), the EDEN sessions at Open Education Week (OEW) and the recently starting Education in time of pandemic series.

We aim to maintain the identity and momentum of the EDEN 2020 Conference as a major gathering of the European professional community, to focus on cutting-edge research, developments and problems, along with sharing experience and publishing achievements.

Considering the extraordinary global situation with the COVID19, special sessions will be organized to survey the pandemic related educational issues in order to gather experience and to share the latest emerging issues and best practices. In order to allow for and invite such submissions, the format will be flexible, using the most efficient virtual conferencing tools.




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